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lead angle造句

"lead angle"是什么意思  
  • Lead angle at reference cylinder
  • Base lead angle
  • Lastly , experimentations are carried out on chaochai 6102bq engine and the data of the thermal parameters according to different oil - apply lead angle is derived . the influence of the change of oil - apply lead angle on the rate of heat release is researched , then a reference is provided for building an accurate heat release model
  • The modulating signals of firing delay angle at the rectifier and firing lead angle at the inverter , and the excitation voltage are chosen to be control variables . the offset of the current of dc line and the extinction angle and the power angle of generator are chosen to be control outputs . then a nonlinear controller is designed for the system under study according to direct feedback linearization theory
  • It's difficult to see lead angle in a sentence. 用lead angle造句挺难的
如何用lead angle造句,用lead angle造句lead angle in a sentence, 用lead angle造句和lead angle的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。